About Us
SeekingSuccess.com is based in California and our clients span the globe. With 24 years in the business of executive resume writing, I am ready to help position you for success.

Tamara Dowling
Tamara Dowling started SeekingSuccess.com in 2000. Today Tamara is focused on senior executives particularly those exploring major career changes, pursuing board positions, or preparing to launch a new organization.
This year Tamara released the second edition of "Tackling the Tech Job Search: Tactics for Anyone from Analysts to Execs." In addition to her career guides, such as "Interview with Purpose" and “Resumes for Recent Grads,” she has contributed to six career books, including “Cover Letters for Dummies.” She has written thousands of résumés and she has served as a writing trainer for one of the largest career services companies in the US. She has won multiple TORI (Toast of the Résumé Writing Industry) awards and nominations.
She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas Christian University and has been writing resumes professionally since 1999.