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Tamara Dowling
Feeling Positive with a Little Help from an App
Perhaps you’ve been on the job hunt for months and you are feeling dejected. Maybe you are attempting a challenging career change that...

Tamara Dowling
If I Know Where You Want to Go, I Can Help You Get There
This week I met a client, eager to move into a new job, maybe a new career. The client is extremely talented with 14 years of diverse...

Tamara Dowling
Vive la solidarité
Jean Jullien's Eiffel Tower drawing is a symbol of hope for peace. We send our love to the people of France and those affected by the...

Tamara Dowling
Great Resumes Are Built on Great Ideas
Many times a client will ask me what makes a great resume. There are many elements of a great resume, such as keywords (so you are...

Tamara Dowling
Why the Resume Writing Process Starts with a Goal
Over the last fifteen years resumes have evolved to become effective marketing tools. Gone are the days when a candidate’s resume was...

Tamara Dowling
Job Action Day: Branding Tips for a Brand New Career
Are you exploring the option of a new career? Professionals in their fifties often have reached the heights in their career and may be...

Tamara Dowling
Don't Be a Copy Cat!
Don't Be a Copy Cat! Why a Job Description Won’t “Do the Job” on Your Resume Many times a candidate will simply copy and paste...

Tamara Dowling
Trends: Skip the Resume and Share Your LinkedIn Profile URL
Each week I notice more hiring employers asking candidates to provide their LinkedIn URL as an alternative to the resume. In some cases,...

Tamara Dowling
How to Handle Career Breaks on Your LinkedIn Profile
Have you struggled with how to explain a gap in your employment on your LinkedIn profile page? Your profile is evaluated based on many...

Tamara Dowling
Presenting Your Work History
Most careers have changes, set-backs, breaks, and new starts. How you present this information to a prospective employer can impact your...
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