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Tamara Dowling
Is Your Job Search Antiquated?
Is Your Job Search Antiquated? The job search tactics that you used ten or fifteen years ago won’t cut it in today’s job market. The...

Tamara Dowling
Identifying Deal Breakers on Your Resume
Identifying Deal Breakers on Your Resume Often job seekers who are puzzled why they are not getting a response to their resume. Many...

Tamara Dowling
Resume Advice: Digging out of a Career Hole
Resume Advice: Digging out of a Career Hole We all have set-backs in our career. When you feel you are so low that you can’t recover,...

Tamara Dowling
Returning to College
, online Returning to College We work with many clients who did not complete a college degree. For many, the plan was to work and earn...

Tamara Dowling
Needs-based Marketing to Improve Job Search
How Needs-based Marketing Techniques Improve Your Job Search Resumes of the 90s, 80s, and long ago were a one-resume-fits-all solution. ...

Tamara Dowling
Re-enter Like a Lion, Not a Lamb
Re-enter Like a Lion, Not a Lamb Swing for the fences….shoot for the moon! This is the best advice that I can give anyone re-starting a...

Tamara Dowling
Puzzled about Resume File Types?
Puzzled about Resume File Types? Do you know the appropriate file type for a resume that you plan to attach to an email message? Which...

Tamara Dowling
Guide to an Excellent Resume
Guide to an Excellent Resume Résumés have changed dramatically over recent years. In today’s competitive job market, you can’t afford to...

Tamara Dowling
Do you know what the cloud is?
Do You Know What the Cloud Is? There is a popular movie trailer in which the lead actor says, “Nobody understands the Cloud!” Well, it...

Tamara Dowling
Add Some Bacon to Your Resume
Add Some Bacon to Your Resume I was watching a CNBC interview with Wendy’s CEO yesterday. The topic was Wendy’s success in putting bacon...
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