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Tamara Dowling
Are You Taking the Elevator Up?
It is likely that you will encounter someone at a business or social event that asks about your career. “So, what do you do?” For many...

Tamara Dowling
Personal Interests and Activities on a Resume?
Long ago it was common to include a “personal interest” section on a resume. In recent years the prevailing advice is that the resume is...

Tamara Dowling
Don't Be a Copy Cat!
Don't Be a Copy Cat! Why a Job Description Won’t “Do the Job” on Your Resume Many times a candidate will simply copy and paste...

Tamara Dowling
Creating an Online Portfolio
Are you a creative professional? Have you considered establishing or modernizing your portfolio? An online portfolio is a quick and...

Tamara Dowling
Lately we've received many questions about ATS. Therefore, this is a re-post of an explanation of ATS and how to prepare and...

Tamara Dowling
LinkedIn’s Student App
LinkedIn launched the LinkedIn student app for iOS and Android. Leveraging LinkedIn’s extensive data, the student app makes it easier...

Tamara Dowling
Investments Advisers on LinkedIn: Are You Compliant with SEC and Your Corporate Guidelines?
If you are an investment adviser, you probably have received some guidance from your compliance officer regarding your social media,...

Tamara Dowling
Graduation Dates on a Resume?
Should you include graduation dates on your resume? The answer is, “sometimes.” Everything on your resume should be truthful....

Tamara Dowling
Four Elements of an Attractive DIY LinkedIn Photo
Update your photo to modernize your brand and help you to emerge from the masses on LinkedIn. People form an impression of you...

Tamara Dowling
LinkedIn Endorsements Count, Really They Do!
This year LinkedIn released a new version of the LinkedIn Recruiter platform. This new version includes a filtering function that enables...
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