A Very Dowling Christmas
Sat., Dec. 26th, 2020
Noon Eastern / 11:00 am Central / 9:00 am Pacific
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Get ready for the first annual trivia competition.
Here is message from the quizmaster.
The teams are:
1) Mom, Tamara & George
2) Mike, Elizabeth & Lily
3) Mass Dowlings
Since Mom is our most distinguished member, her team gets the lead off. They answer until they get a question wrong. At that point the other two teams yell in to answer (don't answer the question at the point just signal that you want to answer the question) Each team needs a spokesperson to avoid chaos, and the first spokesperson to chime in after another team gets an answer wrong gets to answer the question, so the spokesperson should have a sense of whether the team knows the answer before. If that team gets the answer correct, they get to keep answering questions until they get on wrong etc... Points are deducted for wrong answers.
There will be 5 question with dollar values to $1 to $5 in the following categories:
> Dowling Family History
> Mountain Laurel
> 1960-1970's TV and Movies
> Potpourri
> Other Stuff
Generally, the questions get more difficult as the $ value increases. There will be two Daily Doubles where you can wager $0 to whatever you have in the bank. There will also be a final Jeopardy question.