Feeling Positive with a Little Help from an App

Perhaps you’ve been on the job hunt for months and you are feeling dejected. Maybe you are attempting a challenging career change that may be a long slog. I hear from clients in these situations every week. Rather than another reminders to keep a positive outlook, I am suggesting a tip and an app that may help to lift your spirits.
Acknowledging the Positive, Everyday
Consciously reflecting on the positive has been helpful in my life and career. At some point in our career, we experience a set-back. From time to time, we are mistreated by an inconsiderate person and that can bruise us. We can empower ourselves by taking a moment to state things for which we are grateful, to recall people who have been helpful, and to recognize our talents and accomplishments. Try to acknowledge three positive things in your life every day. It may be something as simple as a great cup of coffee or something grand, such as completing a major project. Many feel that being mindful of the positive aspects of your life can change your attitude.
The Happier Mood-Boosting App
The Happier app is a convenient way to express and memorialize something that made you happy. You have the option to share your good news with your Facebook friends. If you want to savor the happy moment, but keep it private, you don’t have to share it. The app also includes a library of inspirational quotes.
If you are looking for a way to add a bit of positivity to your day, try to these tips. You may find it adds some sunshine to your day. Whether you make notes in a journal, use a smartphone app, or simply take a pause in your day to think happy thoughts, this practice of conscious positivity may help you to become more resilient when you hit a ‘bump in the road.’