Video Interview Advice

Video interviews are growing in popularity, even for local candidates. Employers, particularly large employers, are adopting video hiring practices because it enables the hiring team to cost and time-effectively evaluate a large field of candidates. This benefits candidates too. There are two major categories, recorded video interviews and live video interviews. Let’s review the basics and a few tips.
Recorded / On Demand Video Interviews
There are numerous software applications employers may use to facilitate a one-way video interview campaign. The application presents questions to the candidate and the technology to record video answers. The candidate submits their online interview video at their convenience within a prescribed period. The employer’s hiring team reviews the candidates’ video responses on demand and selects those moving to the next round, which may be a live video interview.
Live Video Interviews
A live interview interaction may be accomplished via a mainstream application, such as Skype, or special applications designed for the interview process, such as Sparkhire, Montage, Interview4, and InterviewStream. Video interviewing applications facilitate a convenient interview experience for candidates and employers. Hiring managers can complete muliple interviews with alacrity and are able to share the video clips with other decision makers. This saves time and money for the employer.
Tips for Video Interview Success
1.) As you would in a face-to-face interview, conduct employer research and rehearse for the interview.
2.) Confirm the video interview arrangements in advance. This includes acquiring necessary numbers, URLs, passwords, and back-up phone numbers if it is a live video interview.
3.) Become proficient with the designated video interview technology. Also, be sure that all of your technical devices, including your headset and high-speed Internet connection, are working optimally.
4.) Stage your interview environment, which includes creating a clutter-free, neutral background with appropriate (flattering) lighting. It also means managing audible distractions.
5.) Dress professionally. Solid colors are best. Sometimes patterns can create a strobe effect. Avoid the temptation to wear a top only. You might need to stand unexpectedly.
6.) Arrange the camera so it is at eye level. Upshots (camera on your desk) and downshots (camera at the top of your screen) are unflattering. Also, look at the camera, not your screen, so you appear to be looking at the interviewer.
It is time to embrace video interviewing, particularly if you are targeting an out-of-area employer or a large employer. To increase your success, take a test run. Perform a test video recording and a test live video interview before your first foray into video interviewing. You’ll learn much from the experience, especially the recording of a mock interview. You might find that you are moving your hands too much, creating a blurring effect, or maybe you are rocking in your chair. With preparation and practice, you can excel in the video interview.