Creating an Online Portfolio

Are you a creative professional? Have you considered establishing or modernizing your portfolio? An online portfolio is a quick and effective way to promote yourself. There are multiple free and low-cost do-it-yourself website options. In today’s blog, we’ll share suggestions to help you expand your brand through an online portfolio.
1.) Select a Platform
There are dozens of outlets that offer do-it-yourself websites for portfolios and personal branding. Look for samples, identify features to match your needs, and analyze start-up and recurring costs. If you have the option, test the usability of the site to determine if you can establish and update the site easily. Platforms to consider include and If you are a writer or journalist, is a good option. When visiting these sites, enter the search term “portfolio,” “photographer,” or “fashion designer,” etc. to find templates appropriate for your field.
2.) Make the Most of Your Site
There are a few principles to follow. First, create a clean design, which means plenty of open space, legible font size, good contrast between font and background, and quality graphics. Include concise and compelling copy so the reader easily understands what you do, including any specialties. Lastly, optimize the functionality so that all links work, photographs are crisp, and your clips are easy to read.
3.) Choosing Your Best Work
When creating a portfolio, be selective. Choose work that is relevant to your career goal. Of your samples, select items that are most impressive and show your unique strengths. If you are transitioning from one area of focus to another, show samples that prove your ability to excel in your targeted field. It is alright to show samples from unpaid and unpublished work. Sometimes, the only want to forge into a new area is to start with unpaid work. Keep your work current by adding and deleting samples over time.
4.) Leverage Social Media
When your online portfolio is live, let your network know by posting updates on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. As you add significant work to your portfolio, inform your network.
Most creative professionals need more than a resume to showcase their talents. Luckily for you, there are several simple and low-cost solutions to build an online portfolio. If you have questions about how to create your online portfolio, write me.