Don't Be a Copy Cat!

Don't Be a Copy Cat!
Why a Job Description Won’t “Do the Job” on Your Resume
Many times a candidate will simply copy and paste information from job descriptions provided by current and former employers. A job description is a legal type document, meant to fully describe the possible duties an employee may perform. It is not specific to each employee and does not account for their merits. A resume is a marketing document with a completely different purpose. It is unique to the candidate and should demonstrate how the candidate performed beyond the job duties. As tempting as it may be, there are several reasons why it is not a smart move to copy and paste a job description into your resume.
Create Unique Content
Copying a job description is a lazy way to create a resume. Employers and recruiters recognize this.
Readers are more impressed with candidates who invested the time and money to craft a compelling resume that sells their unique value. Additionally, a good resume demonstrates a candidate’s writing and visual presentation abilities.
Load Your Resume with Accomplishments
This is the cardinal rule for all job candidates. You must sell yourself through examples of accomplishments. Even better, you should include measured results for as many of those accomplishments as possible. A job description can only go as far as stating the job functions and employer expectations. It does not show your performance highs and valuable contributions.
Present the Proper Function-to-Accomplishment Ratio
A strong resume allocates the appropriate space for an overview of job responsibilities and enough space to feature top achievements. In most cases, this is three to seven lines to show the scope of responsibility. This is not copied from the job description, but the job description can serve as inspiration. Build upon that foundation with size of budget, span of territory, number of clients, and employee headcount. Follow that brief overview with several bullet points showcasing top achievements with measured results. A good ratio is one third for the overview and two thirds for the accomplishments.
To be successful, your resume must go beyond the job description. Anyone can copy and paste a job description. Not everyone can and will use the resources to develop a professional resume. Take the time to develop a resume worthy of your exceptional career.