Proofreading Tips

For some people, proofreading is a natural talent. For the rest of us, it is a discipline that requires a system and focus. Here are some hints for proofreading your résumé.
After your create your résumé online, print it and read it on paper.
It helps to print your résumé on colored paper for proofreading purposes only. The different color forces you to look at the document differently, and you'll catch mistakes easier.
Proofread in phases. First check all categories for consistency in font style and spacing. Next check your contact information, employer names, titles, school names, and dates. Now dive into content and check carefully for flow, spelling, and order. Lastly, check for punctuation. Focusing on each element helps you to catch little errors.
Wait a day or two and come back to your résumé and proofread it again.
Try reading your résumé "end to beginning." This changes your frame of mind.
Highlight each error that you find. As you correct the errors online, check off each highlighted spot on your paper document to be sure you corrected all of them.
Whenever possible have a second person review your résumé for errors. After spending hours on your résumé, it is easy to miss an error or two.