Resume Summary vs. Objective Statement

In years past, the objective was the standard way to begin your resume. It was simple back then, you stated your objective, listed your work history and education, and checked your local newspaper for the employment ads. Those days are gone! Today, you need to market yourself. The first rule of marketing is to show how you fill the needs of the customer. In this case, your target employer is the customer. An objective statement is the opposite because it states what the candidate wants. That’s why the resume summary is now the standard.
A summary statement (AKA profile) introduces you to the reader. Effective summaries are three to five lines in length. This tightly-written narrative puts your entire resume into context. When writing your summary, share your top values relevant to your target job. Skip the fluffy, over-used adjectives because those phrases waste valuable real estate on your resume and don’t provide a return.
If you are tempted to skip the summary on your resume, consider the opportunity that you are missing. This is your opening pitch to convince the reader that you are an ideal candidate and that it is worth their time to continue reading. Don’t pass on that chance to clarify your brand and promote the value you offer.