Managing Unexpected Career Changes

Colby is a bright, energetic pharmaceutical sales rep who grew up in Laguna, California. She never lived more than a couple of miles from the beach, luxe shopping, and of course, iconic cliffside restaurants. At age forty when her husband accepted a position at a regional hospital in rural Ohio, her head was spinning. What, no Bristol Farms? Plus the idea of being land-locked made her a bit uneasy. She felt as though it might as well be Mars.
Before she could write her resume, she had to adjust to leaving her family, friends, and all of the places that she associated with home. Colby’s husband, Blake, found a realtor/relocation specialist. That was the first step to helping Colby transition. Good relocation specialists go beyond the routine of presenting suitable homes. They acclimate people to their new community, including a place of worship, schools, shopping, recreation, and local organizations. Colby gained a new perspective. For example, she was a short walk to a local river where a SUP (Stand Up Paddleboarders) meet-up group congregate daily and only a few minutes from a farmers’ market with produce, jams, and baked items that rival her former OC market.
Colby misses her life in California and hopes that her family will return one day. However, by connecting with an expert she was able to find happiness in her new community. After she adjusted to the idea of leaving California, she was able to focus on the job search and create a resume to support her new goal. More importantly she was able to adjust her attitude, enabling her to do the work necessary to drive her job search.
Many times, I have worked with clients who are stuck. They are so upset about what life has thrown them and they are convinced that they will never be happy. This negativity can block one from the creative thinking required to write a compelling resume, conduct an effective job search, and interview well.
If you find yourself facing a move that you did not choose, consider Colby’s story. Tap into resources as she did. If you continue to feel stuck, mentally blocked, or unhappy, perhaps consider counseling resources to help you burst through the block to find happiness and success. The choice is yours, stay stuck and unhappy or find adventure and joy in your new place.