Terms of Service
Refund Policy & Free Rewrite Policy
Our writers begin working immediately upon receipt of your order. You are purchasing the time of an experienced resume writer, therefore refunds are not possible. There are no exceptions to this policy.
We offer a free consultation and rewrite of your resume if you have posted the LinkedIn content we provided and you sent the final resume that we created to at least ten potential employers within 30 days of receiving your final draft resume and have not received an interview. An "interview" includes any and all contact from a recruiter, potential employer, or employement agency that contacted you through your LinkedIn profile presence or to which you submitted your resume. The eligibility period for the free rewrite is 30 days following the delivery of your final draft resume for a period up to 90 days following the delivery of your final draft resume. In other words, if we deliver your final draft on January 2, 2016, you may request a consultation and rewrite with your resume writer between the eligibility period of February 1, 2016 and March 31, 2016.
Product Guarantee
Due to the many factors involved in the selection process, it is not possible to guarantee a career outcome. Preparing the resume is one of the first steps in the job search process. How the resume is utilized is equally important. We are unable to predict or guarantee an outcome in a client's job search campaign. Beyond the job search campaign executed by a candidate, there are many industry and market factors.
Work Process
Our writers begin working immediately upon receipt of your order. After reviewing your information and starting a rough outline, your writer will send you an email acknowledgement. This may contain questions or requests for additional information. In some cases your writer may telephone you.
Upon completing your résumé package, we will email a draft set for your review. All documents are created using MS Word. You may contact us WITHIN 30 DAYS OF YOUR FIRST DRAFT DOCUMENT DELIVERY to requests edits/change. We encourage your feedback! We will create up to three rounds of revisions. Our goal is that you are delighted with your résumé package. Because information gathering and writing is an evolutionary process, you may think of items to add or change after the first round. We provide three rounds of revisions to give you ample opportunity to share your feedback
As the client, you are responsible for all proofreading to ensure the information on your résumé is accurate and complete. Tamara Dowling or SeekingSuccess.com, LLC will not be held responsible for inaccurate information. We provide up to three rounds of revisions to assist clients in the editing/correction process. Sometimes as a writer, we may misinterpret what you intended to communicate. Please make sure each line of your resume accurately reflects your career history and skills. Also, please verify your contact information, dates, and spelling of your employers and special terms. We use the data you provide, but we want to be sure it is correct. The client is responsible for reviewing the documents.
Tamara Dowling or SeekingSuccess.com assumes no liability for any services rendered and/or information provided. Any career advice provided in the course of the résumé preparation process is based upon Tamara Dowling's training and personal experience in the career and résumé writing industry. By taking our advice, you are accepting it at your own risk. Tamara Dowling or SeekingSuccess.com offers no guarantees.
Résumé Packages
Packages and services are described on the website and those offerings are subject to change.
By submitting payment for services, you thereby accept our terms.
Contact Information
Tamara Dowling
SeekingSuccess.com, LLC